Tiny red dot on lip

This is a discussion on MedHelp about tiny red spots. Community members of MedHelp provide help, support, guidance and discussion around the topic of tiny red spots
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04.10.2011 · Best Answer: If it's directly on your Sclera (white part of eye), you may have just have burst a blood vessel. They do go away, but it may take time. If
I have little flat white circles with a flat tiny red dot in the middle. They started on my chest but are now on my arms and stomach. I am currently 39 weeks pregnant
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Tiny red dot on lip
Message Boards - "Diagnose my daughter.08.12.2007 · Best Answer: I have one too, but if you look really close it's really a dark purple. This is caused from biting my lip allot, a bad habit I have when I'm
Diagnose my daughter please: Tiny Red pin size dot on forehead won't stop bleeding
Small Red Bump On Lip Red Blood Spots On Lip
I have little flat white circles with a.
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